I woke up this morning, fit and ready to enjoy,
With thirst, the sun, a smile and as always; full of joy.
I opened the window and outside, if you can believe it,
There was everything there is to see, except I couldn’t see it.

It wasn’t because of sickness that my eyes could not perceive,
It was out of fear and terror that my brain would not believe,
It would not accept, regardless of how much my eyes insisted,
That the world that was once upon a time, no longer existed.

In its place was a copy of what I thought was familiar to me,
So ugly and profane, my senses denied what it might just be.
It’s hard to imagine that no one noticed and those who did kept their silence just fine,
We had sold our humanity for money; even the sadness I felt wasn’t mine.

Everything that we have been, within and without
We gave away ‘cause we are lazy; of that there’s no doubt.
And it might just be that with irrelevance and fear –
The entire human race may simply disappear.

Yet I write this now before what’s done has yet cemented,
That which will cause us so much pain when it could have been prevented.
And suddenly I realize that what will be has not yet occurred,
That tomorrow hasn’t happened yet; it will be the result deed and word,

There is still time before we look beyond that window’s wood,
To see what there really is and not what we are told we should.
An perhaps we might just learn, without fear and without sorrow,
That what together all of us do right now, might just bear fruit tomorrow.

Frank Vidal, Jr.

May 2, 2013.

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  1. There IS time, this we must believe, or else all IS lost…

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