Monthly Archives: April 2017

A Wordplay Buzz

Today; April 23, is International Irony Day. Seriously now, it is; don’t laugh.  Interestingly enough, we also happen to live on a planet where what pretty much everyone believes that the definition of Irony – or what they think irony is, is in fact, sarcasm.  The definition and examples of what most people would immediately call irony, is actually sarcasm – and we still decided to make April 23rd “International Irony Day”.  How messed up is that?

Do you know what’s even more messed up? The “irony” that’s being celebrated today is actually sarcasm, so today should be International Sarcasm Day, but nobody knows the difference anymore.  This is so IRONIC that it’s textbook irony, but it also mathematically validates the premise for International Irony day; so in the end, International Irony Day is ironic & as such, legitimate, but nobody knows because they think irony is sarcasm, which makes International Irony Day even more ironic.

Damn!  How does that shit happen?

I need to sit down for a minute….

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On behalf of myself and the math, I offer greetings and my most heartfelt good wishes for a happy and joyful 4/20 to all. 

Respect –

On April 19th, 1775, the “the shot heard around the world’ was fired and the American Revolution began.  On a day just like any other day, except that on that particular April 19th, a people united under a ideal that stood for something real, and the result was the United States of America.  That is inspiring!  

It’s a shame that the kind of humans that built our country are apparently extinct.  I honor this day in memory of the USA. I miss the United States very much, even the watered down version from the 90’s

I  was born in the USA and grew up there, before we let it become whatever THIS is; it’s not the USA, that’s for sure.  It’s become a strange place that sort of resembles a penitentiary for misbehaved idiots who have been told to stand in the corner with a dunce cap on for doing something really, really stupid, hasn’t it?

Happy first day of the American Revolution! It gave us the dream that was the United States of America, all 15 – 20 minutes of it.

I love all of you.